srijeda, 8. kolovoza 2007.

Never Too Young To Start Driving…

Smart Car

Here’s an interesting event you & the kids won’t want to miss.

What do you do when your kids are a tad eager to start driving? Where do you take them when they’ve already mastered soap box derby racers and go-karts?

The Answer is simple: A “Teach Your Kid To Drive” clinic. Kids, ages 5 - 12, will have an opportunity to earn their ”NYS Junior Pre-Learner’s Permit.”

This Junior permit allows children the ability to operate a two-seater smart-car (automatic only) during weekdays, between the hours of 11am and 2pm. Think of the convenience factor if your kids can help with quick runs to the grocery store, pick up your dry cleaning or even just run Grandma to the doctor’s office.

This clinic teaches kids the fundamentals of defensive driving, using turn signals and, of course, how to park in standard parking lots. Advanced classes are also available to teach the finer mechanics of parallel parking, pumping gas and checking tire pressure.

For obvious safety reasons, children won’t be allowed to get under the hood to diagnose basic automotive service issues.

Get your kids ready & sign up early - there’s limited space. For more info, contact me for specific dates, locations & reservations.

Top 10 Gas Savers For Memorial Day Travel

Family Roadster

Planning on packing up the family roadster and doing your best Clark Griswold impression this Memorial Day?

If so, here’s 10 ways to lighten the load on your wallet so you’ve got more to spend at Wally World.

  1. Drive slower. (Duh!) It does work though. Slow down to the speed limit and you’ll notice how less you stop to fill up again. Let all lead-footers pass on the left - you’ll probably get to your final destination in the same amount of time too…
  2. Pace along-side big trucks. Truckers try to keep an even pace whether it’s in traffic jams or on the open road. This saves more gas due to less shifting.
  3. Slower starts. You’re not Jimmie Johnson or Kurt Busch. Lay off the pedal and pull away from the green light nice and easy.
  4. Lay off the car accessories. You’re not Jay-Z, you’re Clark G. Remember? For long trips - smaller, thinner stock wheels give the best performance. The more tread you have, the less fuel economy you’ll receive.
  5. Kill the A/C. Mostly at lower speeds that is; at higher speeds it’s actually more efficient. The drag from the open windows may reduce your fuel economy.
  6. Keep the tire pressure up. Your tire pressure is on the tires & listed in the owner’s manual. (That’s the little book in the glove box behind all of those napkins) Get a tire gauge too & check your pressure before you start driving.
  7. Get the junk out of your trunk. Stop hauling around those X-mas presents you meant to return in January. The extra weight is killing your gas mileage.
  8. Replace your air filter. This is one of the biggest reasons why your fuel economy may be so poor. (Other than gas prices) Your engine needs a strong flow of air - a clean air filter accomplishes this. Simple test: Lift your filter up to the sun - no light? Get a new one.
  9. Don’t drive. This is a simple one…(for the holiday weekend - have everyone over to your house.)
  10. Get rid of your old car. A lot of newer models get excellent gas mileage today - you may save even more than you thought.

Fuel Additives Can Help You Save Money On Gas

Lately it seems that there are actually three certainties in life: death, taxes, and changing gas prices! Analysts have been predicting that this summer the price of gasoline should be even higher than last year. Current prices aren’t as high as they have predicted, but the summer isn’t over yet!
As an average consumer, is there anything you can do to protect yourself against the financial concerns associated with higher gas prices? Alternative fuels still have a long way to go before they are even a viable option and most of us would have a hard time either riding a bicycle to work or taking the bus because of tight schedules. Are there any other options? The answer is yes!
For many years there have been several products on the market that have been proven to increase your gas mileage and help you save money on gas. The concept is simple: by adding the right ingredients to the gasoline that you’re already using you can get more out your gasoline. Now before you just run out and buy any product that claims to be a good fuel additive, here are a few things you should consider.
Has the product been tested by independent companies?
Anyone can make the claim that their product is the best or does such and such. But what do other companies say about it? Has the product been researched by independent laboratories that have also found that the product does what they say it will do? If not, you may want to research it a bit more.
Does the product make outrageous claims?
Having a product that does a really good job is great, but watch out for those companies that overstate what their product will actually do for you. Interestingly enough the companies that usually have a problem with this guideline don’t follow the guideline about independent testing either. Look for products that advertise a reasonable increase in gas mileage, not some astronomical result.
Is the product endorsed by any larger companies?
This one sort of goes along with independent testing, but if the fuel additive has the backing of other large automotive related companies (like Ford for example) it is probably a product you can trust.
There are some really good products out there that can help you save money on gas. Do some research, look into the products on the market and you’re likely to find a winner. Finding a good fuel additive can help you save money on gas in the long run.

srijeda, 1. kolovoza 2007.


Welcome to Everything About Cars.

Cars have been an obsession for human beings since their conception in the late 19th century. If cars had a heart, it would no doubt be the gasoline engine.

A controversy in the 21st century, the gasoline engine has nonetheless withstood the test of time and is still being employed today in most modern cars.

Many people, if their budget allows it, becoming collectors of cars. Throughout the years, thousands of models have made their entrance, had their moment of glory, and made their exit. Collecting vintage cars is a hobby only available to those who can afford it, however, as it is costly and requires a lot of garage space. The maintenance of cars is absolutely crucial to any collector; it should be of utmost importance that the cars be shiny, mechanically functional, and ready to be taken for any whimsical spin deemed necessary.

For many, however, cars are little more than a functional tool of locomotion. It is understandable then, that the controversy surrounding the gasoline engine has now reached critical proportions. Cars can be powered by new-age hybrid motors which rely on an electrical back-up system-only using gasoline combustion when absolutely necessary. These motors can help cars reduce their emissions of carbon monoxide.

There is a future for cars - one that remains stylish yet adapts to the modern world's needs. There would be nothing more luxurious than adapting classic cars to new, hybridized technologies. This is why the future for cars, car collectors, and environment-friendly functionalists is a bright one.

How to Buy Cheap Cars from Government Auctions

If you want to know how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, look no further than your own local city. Police and government auctions are held all the time featuring cheap cars that have been repossessed or taken as property of the state. Call you local officials to find out more about how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, such as when these auctions are being held and where they are located. You’re bound to turn up some good information. You can also check listings in your local paper, which should carry information about such things.

If you’re wondering about how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, then you must already know that buying cars from government auctions is a good way to turn a profit for yourself. You can re-sell these cheap cars to buyers who are looking for used cars for a variety of reasons. If you know anything about cars or work with someone who does, you can even do a little work on the cheap cars, upgrading them and thus upping their re-sell value. When you know how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, there are plenty of ways to make money.

How to buy cheap cars from government auctions isn’t the hardest question to find an answer to. The question is how to find buyers from the cars you buy at government auctions? Put up colorful, eye-catching signs on busy roads, and be sure to list your cars in local newspapers and perhaps even on the Internet. There are buyers out there, and the answer to finding them is in advertising. Knowing how to buy cheap cars from government auctions is the first step toward turning cheap cars into great profit for yourself.

If you want to know how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, simply look around. Listen for announcements on the radio. Call your local government office. Check out listings in the newspaper. When you know how to buy cheap cars from government auctions, those cheap cars can become very valuable indeed.

Good luck Buying Cheap Cars from Government Auctions!!